We work side by side with you to determine your goals. One of our on-site nutritionists will visit your operation and see what we can do to help. We pride ourselves on our ongoing and growing relationships with our customers. We can evaluate livestock, pull feedstuff samples and process them in our onsite forage lab, least cost, and balance a ration for you all with some of the shortest turnaround times out there. We will go over options together and see how we can help you maximize your profits. With a large variety of bulk ingredients and bagged additives on-hand, if we do not already have a stock product that will fit your needs, we can custom blend one for you.
With any operation, it is of the utmost importance to ensure feedstuff accuracy as it changes throughout the year. As conditions change, so should your feed needs. We are not a one-size-fits-all company. Every operation is different and that’s why we put an emphasis on our lab testing and ration balancing with consistent follow-up. With todays volatility in commodity pricing, we have the ability to adapt to current situations as needed.